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White Sneakers


Beginner-Friendly Health and Life Coaching: Embracing Wellness at Any Age

You're juggling a million things and "standard" health routines just don't cut it.

I will help you craft your unique wellness mix with these exciting elements.


Home Workouts for Beginners

Step into fitness, right in your living room

Meditating in Nature

Breath-work for the Anxious

Find calm in the chaos, one breath at a time

Image by Prophsee Journals

Habit Heroes

Transform your daily routines into steps towards success

Image by Nathan Dumlao

Mindset Makeovers

Turn those negative nellies into positive powerhouses

Nutritional Cooking

Nutrition, Sleep, Hydration

Back to basics, but with a twist

Stressed Man

Stress Busting

Strategies to keep your cool when life heats up

And we keep track of it through...

60-90 min./week

1:1 Zoom call

Weekly homework

Evidence based Foundational Nutrition sessions

At home/gym beginner workouts

Resources and Tools for Challenges and Introspections

Whole health discussions: Sleep, Stress, and Recovery

And so much more!



Painting Wall
"These home workouts are really helping me progress and take time out of my busy schedule to move my body."

- Busy Professional and Mom

About Me.

Hi! I am Coach Seethal (Pronounced: /Coach She-Tall/ and yes, I'm 5'9").

Once an electrical engineer, I navigated the complex circuits of technology for over 7 years. 

And then I did what my parents told me NOT to do (oops...)

I quit my high-paying Engineering Job to follow my Passion towards all things Health (Don't worry, my parents are totally cool with it now *coughs*). 


Making the leap from tech to health coaching, I discovered my joy: nerding out on the science behind good health, working with people, celebrating their uniqueness, and guiding them to their fullest potential.



  • Precision Nutrition Level 1 (PN L1)

  • Precision Nutrition Sleep, Stress, and Recovery (PN L1 SSR)


  • GGS-1 Women's Coaching Specialist Certification, V1

  • GGS Pre- and Postnatal Coaching Certification, V2

  • Precision Nutrition Advanced Certificate: Hunger and Metabolism

  • NASM CPT (Certified Personal Trainer)

Check out my Socials to know more!

  • Facebook
  • Instagram

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How fast can I lose weight with your program?  

A: My approach focuses on sustainable, long-term benefits. While I don't prioritize quick weight loss, we can set realistic goals together. The rate of weight loss largely depends on your commitment to following the program.​

Q2: I’m often lazy and inconsistent. Can I still change? 

A: Absolutely. What seems like laziness can often be fear of failure, societal pressures, or setting unrealistic goals. We'll work together to uncover and navigate these challenges, paving the way for lasting change.​

Q3: I don’t have time to work out. How can I lose weight?

A: It’s about setting the right priorities and realistic goals. We’ll start with manageable 10-minute daily exercises and gradually adjust your routine to prioritize your health.​

Q4: I struggle to say 'No' to people. How can I improve?

A: Learning to say 'No' is crucial for healthy relationships and self-care. We'll work on shifting your mindset to balance your needs with others, reducing resentment and enhancing your personal well-being.

Q5: Are you a fitness coach and do you provide meal plans?

A: I focus on fitness coaching for beginners and do not provide meal plans. My goal is to empower clients with the knowledge to make their own healthy meal choices based on available resources.

Q6: Are you also a life coach?

A: Wellness coaching often encompasses elements of life coaching. Many clients need support beyond nutrition and exercise, like setting boundaries, forming healthy habits, and emotional support. Depending on your needs, I can provide both fitness and life coaching.

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